Free Shipping & Delivery Terms & Conditions
Shipping Policy (Updated February 2025)
We offer FREE U.S. shipping on orders over $99 via USPS or FedEx Ground.
Once your package leaves our warehouse, Rockin' Wellness is not responsible for lost, stolen, misdirected, or damaged packages, incorrect addresses, missing items, or delivery issues. We do not insure packages or cancel orders after they have shipped.
Tracking & Delivery:
- All shipments include a tracking number for monitoring transit.
- If your package encounters a delivery issue, please contact the carrier directly with your tracking number. We cannot call shipping companies on your behalf.
- If a package is returned to us as undeliverable, we will attempt to contact you or issue a refund.
FedEx Handling & Tracking:
- FedEx picks up bulk shipments from our warehouse, and packages may not be scanned immediately at pickup. Tracking updates depend on FedEx’s processing system and do not impact actual delivery.
- Once shipped, transit time is approximately 3-7 days, though we have no control over FedEx’s shipping or delivery schedules.
Important Note:
Rockin' Wellness assumes no liability for lost, stolen, delayed, or damaged packages. If any issues arise, you must contact FedEx or USPS directly with your tracking number for assistance.
We do not offer overnight shipping & cannot deliver to PO Boxes.
Please see map for transit shipping times. (these times may vary due to weather, supply chain & worker/driver shortages & other crisis' or issues out of our control